Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10 Weeks

Tomorrow I hit 10 weeks pregnant.  Um what?  I found a great OB and it is totally weird thinking about how in about 30 weeks I'll be delivering a baby?!  Baby is doing great so far.  I saw baby move at our last ultrasound.  The heartbeat was 176 bpm.  According to, baby is the size of a kumquat/prune.  I have very little "morning sickness".  Normally, if I'm feeling nauseous, it means that I need to eat something and then I'm fine.  (knock on wood)  I have a few friends who are a few weeks behind me and it is so fun to compare!  My supervisor at work is 38 weeks pregnant and I like watching her because that's what I have to look forward to!  It's fun to think that really soon she will have a cute baby boy!  I also have a friend who is really struggling with getting pregnant.  It breaks my heart to know how hard of a time she's having.  I pray that she finds her answers very soon!  Anyway, that's how my life is going right now!  Everything is awesome!  Thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Baby update!

You have no idea how amazing it is to say that!!  I'm about 6 weeks along now.  I get very exhausted during the day and really want to take tons of naps.  I only allow myself one nap a day.  My baby (still totally unreal to me haha!) should be the size of a lentil/sweet pea.  On Wednesday, I get to have my very first ultrasound appointment!  I am sooo excited!  This is all too weird.  It mostly doesn't seem real to me.  I have started to feel a little nausea but so far, if I eat, it goes away.  I will be so lucky if it stays that way.  I've started thinking about baby names.  Daisy really wants me to name her (she's decided that it's a girl) Olive.  Lily wants a little sister, too.  Chris really really really wants a boy.  I think I'd rather have a little girl but I'll take whatever I get!  There is a chance that it could be twins!  How fun/crazy would that be!  I want to start collecting baby clothes but I can't because I don't know what my little one is!  What are some suggestions that you have?  I have heard about getting diapers and wipes now...Anything else I should stock up on while I can?  Thanks for everyone who has been with me through my crazy trying to conceive days!  Thanks for reading!!