Sunday, March 23, 2014


Just a heads up this is a whiny post. 

The week before last, Chris' car was acting funny when he was shifting so he decided to take it in.  A couple days later, the finished price was $2700.  Which for us, is a ton of money.  We took most of it from our Health Savings account and the other 1000 from a new credit card in my name.  But now, Jeepy needs new tires, new breaks, and we will probably have to get the a/c fixed...again.  I just had it fixed last year so there might be a warranty? (I'm hoping there is)  And now we are trying to get pregnant.  I'm starting to think that maybe having a baby right now is a bad idea.  Chris just suggested that we just trade Jeepy in and get a new-er car.  And both our computers need replacing.  (SIGH)  WHY does EVERYTHING revolve around money?  Why does everything have to cost so much??  

On an unrelated note, I've started spotting which is just making me irritated.  I should have my period starting on Saturday or at the very latest Monday next week.  There isn't really a way to know why, just wait and see if it turns in to a period or not. Blargh I don't want to be an adult anymore. LOL

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